
Thursday, 1 September 2011

Only a third of the way?

Well I’ve now made it to Week 14 and the second trimester.  Is it just me or does anyone else at this stage feel like they’ve been pregnant for years?  I guess it doesn’t help that I discovered the pregnancy extremely early on but when you know your own body so well these things are unavoidable.
I’ve started to read the online weekly pregnancy updates which quite frankly bore me a little.  The descriptions of what little peanut is doing are good and informative and certainly give any expectant mother a little insight into what developments are taking place.  However, it’s the descriptions of what the mother-to-be’s body is going through which switches me off.  After numerous pregnancies now I’ve got used to the fact that everyone is different and every pregnancy is different.  Where one woman may be feeling less lethargic and sick by this time of the pregnancy, another may be feeling rough, shattered and fit for nothing.  I also hate seeing the pictures of what your bump may look like too, with my flabby tummy I’ve never had a bump like most women’s so I tend not to look now. 
I am still extremely tired which is probably why I’ve taken such a dislike to perfect bumps and energetic expectant mothers.  I only do the housework when I absolutely need to do it and as for cooking, everything makes me want to be sick still. I feel faint and dizzy and my fibromyalgia seems to be getting worse with my neck, back, wrists and ankles in constant pain.  I do have one ray of light though, the body pillow which my husband bought for me finally arrived yesterday.  I have never been so comfortable in my life.  It’s twice the length of my body so really does allow me to hug every bump, ankle or aching hip.  Roll on bedtime tonight, I can’t wait.

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